Tuesday 14 October 2008

I Have Spread My Dreams Under Your Feet

I am really concerned about the language of blogging. First of all the word 'blog', it's brilliant, but what does it actually mean? More importantly, however, I am horrified by the terminology used on the webpage. Forgive me for reading too much into it, but now i have three FOLLOWERS. You know, the old alarm bells are ringing. The word 'follower' would suggest a form of stalking, which i suppose a blog encourages. You're putting yourself out there to be stalked, which is kind of a bit weird, don't you think? They may aswell call it 'raper on your case' on maybe not, because i actually know the three people following me. Anyway, that's not what this blog is supposed to be about. Oh no.

Today I went to Senate House, the best library in London, and read some more poetry. 'Not Marvell', i hear you cry. No, it was Yeats today. Turns out he is really good, won a nobel prize and everything. Ezra Pound was his secretary, that's pretty cool. I need a secretary. That would increase my happiness SO much.

On the play front, we've stumbled into our first problem... people are dropping out, with good reasons, like they are too busy. But it makes me sad because I think we haven't impressed them enough. Yeah I know, I always bring it back to myself (me, me, me). I thought our sparkling beauty and intelligence would keep them captivated for years, but no, they have too much on their plates. We all have too much on our plates (some more than others), you know, which leads me to my next point....

My plate will not be full of eggs (T.B is that all you eat, because, you know, you shouldn't eat more than one egg a week, gives you cancer and bad dreams ), tonight my plate will be full of burgers. I'm going to make burgers. Never made a burger before, so we'll see what happens.

Yeats liked burgers and believed in ghosts, my kind of guy.
I do hope Thea was in college day.
I'm sorry about the football stuff.
YO. Rock on.

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